Monday 18 December 2017

Importance of Parent-Teacher collaboration" by Shomie Das

A Visionary and architect of A distinct methodology of learning Mr. Shomie Das runs and thus continues to make contributions that aim at promoting a unique child centered concept driven by his passion for teaching.

Mr. Shomie Das thus has envisioned a school environment that places high value of the child and it courage's all aspects of learning he believes in building schools here the focus and purpose of all infrastructure is primarily on the child currently I am working as a person who builds schools so i retired in 1996 and ever since then I've been building schools for various promoters and it was this? Oakridge that took my fancy and i have been involved with the Oakridge ever since the turn of the century where a lot of the Idea that I have had been put, Into practice giant centricity can't be built Into a school it is the leadership of the school that will provide the environment for child centricity for being child centered the School, Itself will be full of brick and mortar and classrooms and little wooden furniture and furniture and all sorts of things and none of that actually gives the child any importance what gives the importance is the way the leadership looks at the child and give the child importance in all aspects of learning including when they are in sitting in a classroom when they are actually learning a musical instrument or when they are going on a trek it's the child that becomes the important being in that process these principals shape a student to be emotionally and Intellectually independent He Kind and lives The Motto of Oakridge International School Learning the treasure within often referred to as the man who saw tomorrow shall be thus truly is an educationist that students teachers and educators have a lot to learn from you

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