Thursday 29 November 2012

Is Motivation Required in the Healthy Growth of Children

Dwight D. Eisenhower says “Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.” Motivation is something which gives stronger feathers to fly high and reach out what one is aiming for. Motivation can come from any living or dead thing. It may be some people, may be a painting, could be a piece of writing or sometimes could be parents. 

Different people get motivated from different things. For children most of motivation comes from family and friends. Now we need to analyze how far it is required in the growth and progress of a child. Let’s explain it with an example; a small know by itself how to grow in the ground. It gathers whatever required for its escalation and makes ample use of these. But there might sudden climate changes or any other issues when the plant cannot handle it by itself. Then what we normally do is to pour water and put some fertilizers so that it can boost the growth process. Once these extra ingredients are provided the plan use it and get positive results.   
This is exactly what motivation does in any human being especially children. The additional support we give them to grow will make them go far. Children are always into some kind of innovation and curiosity for new adventures. But sometimes we elders might not like, as part of their experiments children might break things. It will lead to quarrels and fight between parents and kids. We need to understand that by doing real life experiments children learn faster than theories but of course we need to ensure their safety. Other than that it is always better to encourage them in doing so that after initial mistakes they try to develop things on their own to supplement their studies. 

Not only that motivation is required to show case the talent of a child which is hidden in them, it can be in arts, sports, paintings and so on. Teachers can motivate children a lot in various ways. Schools, especially boarding schools in India work hard in this to motivate the talents in children because a champion needs motivation above and beyond winning anything.

Schools like school in Vizag help children to develop their abilities and motivate them in many ways to keep them on the peak always. As Zig Ziglar says “People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily”.


The World War Takes between Parents and Kids Regarding Homework

Do you feel that home is becoming a battle ground at nights and week end when you deal with the monster of home work? Then you need not worry, it is the same story with every parents. There is no surprise that every child will consider their elders like antagonist if they insist them to go ahead with home works. Parents believe the problem lies in the kid and kid thinks the problem is with their parent. But the real issues go unnoticed all the times. 

Before taking any measures just pause for a while and think that ‘which child will like to do something that is unpleasant and boring?’ instead they will be more attracted to those areas of games and play which is interesting to them. Most of the kids would prefer to go for video games, riding their bikes or just roaming with friends when compared to their home works especially after a long school hour. So it is clearly understood that here attitude is not the problem. The problem here is the methodology we follow to make children go deeper into studies. 

From parent’s point of view when child is showing disinterest toward home works, it indicates that they have lost interest in studies or they are not respecting their elder or even they are into some bad companionship. But we need to understand certain factors that before getting into any such conclusion you should analyze the issue and talk to the child about it in such a manner which they can understand. Then only we will be able to find out the real issue. Once if we are clear about what is wrong, then finding solution is not a tough task. 

The problem could be the difficulty a child face when they are over burdened with studies. School hours are normally very heavy and even after coming to home the process carry on. So the main thing here need to be changed is the process of education where les home works are provided and most of the study is over within the class time. Teachers need to make sure of this idea so that so that children get breathing time. Fortunately many schools in India follow this method these days to lighten the burden.

Schools like Oakridge Bangalore Schools  focus on this and make studies easy. Even if there are any home works they are made easy through various experiential programs to attract the interest of the kids.  Even parents can help children in this by making their home works interesting with real life projects and examples.  

Wednesday 28 November 2012

How to Deal with Disciplinary Issues in Children

Plato says “Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.” This is an absolutely perfect sentence meaning what all intend to say through this article. The function of the article is better saved by it. 

Discipline sometimes becomes a major issue between children and parents. Often it is related to the misunderstandings of both. Children think their parent does not understand them and parents think their children do not want to listen to them. The problem lies in neither of them. It is the small misinterpretations which creates such situations and leads to distances in relationships. The issue needs to be addressed from both parent’s perspective and child’s perspective. 

Disciplinary problems are mostly understood as the behavioral problem. But in real it could be the mental struggle he /she might be going through or the unnoticed physical illness or any issues with their peer group and may be even the result of bad companionship. To understand what exactly is causing the trouble, we need to sit and talk with children and try to understand the trauma they are going through. Proper counseling from the side of parents can help a lot in this. But before that we have to make sure children are not feeling we are nagging them in each and every simple matter. 

A friendly chat with children should also be very diplomatic and tricky so that they tend to listen to what you are trying to say. Teachers can help children a lot in this as they are very influential. The right understanding of things can be given by teachers. Many schools in India provide counseling to those children who are going under this situation. 

Even after providing counseling and various other helps, if the child still faces the same issue then some medical help need to be given to recognize their real problem. And proper medication and care needs to be provided on time. Before leading into such dangerous conditions, like schools Hyderabad  focus on the overall development of children including their personality and behavior. After all education is not only the development of brain, it is the progress of social behavior, manners, knowledge and compassion.      

How far playing any game help children to be active

Playing any game can keep us active and this is a scientifically proven factor. It gives us focus, dedication, enthusiasm, sportsman sprit and confidence. If this is the case with we elders; then you can imagine how much helpful it can be to children. 

Games are always considered as a method of physical exercise but these days the definition is changing according to the life style and now games are considered to be the main entertainment, physical exercise, stress reducer, and for some people it is meditation. Some of the games involve high end use of our intelligence and helps us to develop the brain in a very positive manner. Since we consider childhood as the stage of growth, appropriate exercise needs to be given both body and mind. 

If we observe around us we can figure out the factor that those children who are actively involved in any form of games seem to be more active than the mere book worms. As I already mentioned, along with physical strength it keeps them mentally healthy and live. Modern medicine suggests different types of brain games to children who are suffering from mental struggles or problems than medication. Brain games provide focus and concentration for a longer period and help the cells of brain to pump more blood and oxygen into brain. If there is ample blood circulation in brain, there is less chance of mental stresses. 

As responsible parents it is the duty of every one to encourage children to engage in any games rather than spending time in front of television all the day. Though there are contents in TV good for children, excess addiction of it make children lazy and a couch potato. To avoid such dangerous situations, parents should also involve with children in their games and make it interesting for them and follow it as a daily routine. Other than parents schools and teachers can play a major role in this as the child spends more time in school. Many schools especially boarding schools in India have made it mandatory to include games into curriculum and they are promoting it at their maximum.

Schools like Vizag Schools proved this with their never ending support to children in sports and activities. They have incorporated it into their curriculum and encourage their students be active in all spheres. After this is what we want from the schools to build a generation which is physically and mentally fit to fight with their circumstances.       

Children at the Stage of Growing up and Going to School

Going to school for the first time was one of the most painful days for most of us. Some might be very enthusiastic to go to school with new dress and bag but for others like me it is really heart breaking after a happy childhood with family. As grew up the concept changed and we understood the different stages of life through which all of us have to travel whether we like it or not.

Let us not divert our focus from children. The mind set and thinking of a child will be completely different we elders. They comprehend their surrounding from their observations and understandings of things around them. So when it comes to the different stages of life, especially the phase where they transform their world the experience become different and as we all know children are always very curious to know more about new things. For them the idea of going to school is an adventurous trip where they will get to explore en number of things. 

But here an inevitable situation or the desperado of the story comes through the form of home sickness. Children do not realize this factor until they get separated from parents especially from their mother. Some children get adjusted to the new atmosphere vey easily but for some it remain as scary dream of going to school. Here parent can help children a lot instead of scolding them. It may not be possible for every one behave in the same manner. If a kid is feeling home sick even after a month at school, that does not mean he /she is misbehaving. There are many dimensions to it like they might be very sensitive; they may have any problem at school or sometimes any physical or mental concern which kid himself cannot recognize. Here they need immense support and affection from family. 

Schools play a major part which can change this attitude of the child. If the comfortable level a kid receive at home is matched when they come to school, most of the problems will be solved instantly. Fortunately many schools in India have organized their school atmosphere to make children feel comfortable about the place. Schools like Oakridge international school in Hyderabad concentrate mainly on this mental situation of young kids who join newly and they take care of them completely. The soothing behavior of teachers is a good example to it.