Wednesday 29 November 2017

My Teacher Inspired my Interest to Take Up Medicine as a Field" - Oakridger Jai

Hello my name is Jai I graduated from Oakridge International School as the class of 2011. I Was lucky enough to be head boy and i think i have a very close personal relationship with the people it opened in the place so currently I did a degree in biology from UC Berkeley and I'm applying the Medical School now i worked for a year as a third grade teacher, and i worked for a year as a consultant in the Bay Area in California i think Oakridge was actually pretty instrumental in me deciding actually. I think I want to go to Pediatrics That's why that's my long-term goal. 

I share a passion of one of my teachers from Oakridge on he's my biology teacher and I had never met anyone who's so passionate of it or so interested in a subject and who didn't teach teaching like a job until I met this teacher and He taught me I looked up to him as a role model and so he taught me that also shared that passion of biology And I saw how we had a relationship And so he also taught me to have a passion for mentoring so when I was a teacher for third grade students or it I loved the mentorship aspect of it And I think that's how I kind of settled on pediatric so I get to work with kids as well as work with biology so the Oakridge was actually surprisingly instrumental in me getting here, and I'll always have over to be thankful for it Oh clearly inspired me to do a lot of things so I was lucky, so I I'm what some people call it jack-of-all-trades. 

I love I want to do everything I want to I want to read a book. I want to run a mile. I want to play basketball I want to be a leader. I want to I just want to try it all right and It was only through Oakridge that I that had all those Experiences tied into the same place where I could do everything from one school if I wanted to be a leader that opportunity was ready for me right and so I Got lucky III don't remember. How we chose overage, but it changed my life. 

I met people who cared about me people who could inspire me, and I got this this wonderful culminating experience, so I'm so close to my teachers from eight years ago imagine. I got to 2011 right. I'm still close to my ninth tenth eleventh and twelfth teachers and I recently spoke to she's currently the vice principal Haymitch on apathy and She told me that and this was the most moving thing she told me that That she was more concerned about Children I was children having the childhood dreams and experiences in school than then learning discipline and courses and I felt I felt extremely moved because I met someone who back then eight years ago Was as concerned about my day-to-day the friends. I was making the food. 

I was eating the role models I was making right they were asking sir about those things a teacher a teacher who had to teach me Studies and in academics as well She was asking about those things. I was right as I as I as a 16 year old kid was and so I To be frank, I think I was blessed. I think I got lucky Oakridge is an amazing school, and I guarantee you Whether your kid is shy whether your kid is? Excited whether they're adventurous whether they they're a bookworm, whether they love video games there's something here That they will enjoy as I did

Tuesday 14 November 2017


For many students, self-belief and confidence is a natural personality trait. But for the ones who struggle, life can feel like swimming upstream. Teachers have a powerful influence on their students, and thus can create the feelings of self-belief and confidence.
Some of the strategies that are practised by effective teachers are:
1) Gradual transition in learning environment from being cozy and nurtured to SOLE

The warmth and friendliness of the school’s environment can easily help the child in getting settled. While this will initially serve the purpose, in order to sow the seed of self- belief in a child later, the idea of SOLE- Self Organized Learning Environment is introduced. Here, students are given the choice to present their understanding through music, roleplay, art or  through a writing piece. When this starts early, the child starts believing that she/he has learnt and can achieve!
2) Providing Equal Opportunities
The sense of being responsible and being recognized gives a morale boost to an individual. Especially during the primary years of learning, it instigates self-belief and nurtures independence . Collaborative group tasks designed during the classroom transaction Read more here