Friday 29 December 2017

How compassion can be imbibed in kids through education?

The strength of compassion

Love and compassion have the power to move mountains. This is not like any other cliché dialogs, but a necessity of certain times. Love and compassion are a necessity, and not merely a luxury. With the world taking giant strides evolution wise, compassion towards others and care for fellow beings comes as a ray of hope for a better tomorrow. Compassion and love are the substances of heart and these can be nurtured through the growing years.

Compassionate children call for a happy life!

Inculcating compassion in children is extremely important but is not easy. The world we live in has a major role to play. The popular ‘culture’ involuntarily passes on ‘selfishness’ and ‘indifference’ to children and they pick what is easily available to them. With this trend, it becomes highly unlikely for children to learn anything about compassion on their own. This is not a blame game, but reality. Cutting barriers and enhancing scope, take a look at how the top schools in Bangalore, get it done the right way. 

Modelling good values is the need of the hour. Setting a good example for young minds is the key. They learn from how you treat them, and observe the adults and peers act in and deal with different situations.  

Implementing the framework of nurturing


Displaying the qualities of honesty, compassion and self-respect is probably the first thing to do.

Allow them to learn from our actions, for children imitate their parents and teachers. Because, dear parent, you are your child’s first and most influential teacher and then the impact of teachers follows.

Best CBSE schools in Bangalore follow a curriculum which believes in Patience, Perseverance, Power, Protection, Peace, Perfection, and Purity

During the entire process of building a model, do not forget that if there is any discrepancy between what you say and what you do, your children are unlikely to follow what you teach them. So, take the adage “Practice what you preach” seriously.

The schools are perfectly routing compassion in more practical ways to effectively nurture the young minds to become more sensitive to others’ feelings, share their joy and extend a helping hand when needed. Relying on everyday incidents to teach your children about values is one good way to go.

Presenting a situation and eliciting response from them will give you an opportunity to see what needs to be done and where to start. This form of teaching is interesting. It is not teaching through lectures or asking them to recite the values; these are real life experiences that will carefully build a positive attitude for your child and shape his/her personality in the way the world appreciates. This gentle nudge is enough to train him/her to think about other people.

Most schools as part of their curriculum have field trips and in-house sessions where the kids are taken to a nearby “Home for the needy” or a pet owner along with his pet is asked to conduct an interaction with the children.

Children definitely have compassion naturally in them. They identify this through their love for fur toys and pets which they gently caress and care for. Small in proportion, but it certainly is enough to get started. Schools pick this behaviour and provide a structure. They schedule puppet shows and show kids how animals take a stand for their peers at times of need. When you provide a structure to act, you can connect with them through good behaviour.

As a part of analysis, schools keep a watch on children during their playtime to see how and what they use to build a good network of friends, and if they don’t, there still are parameters to effectively analyse and address the “why” part.

Why compassion?

Although the world has a portion of unworthiness and filth, there is a greater need for compassion at least to rectify the way the world is functioning today, for children are the citizens of tomorrow. Watering the leaves wouldn’t help. We water the roots to see the plant grow. We live in times of turmoil and conflicts of interest. Your children just need to learn the most humane aspects of mankind so he/she can carry the seeds of today for a better tomorrow. 

In times like these, it becomes important to raise kids who are compassionate towards people’s feelings and kind to the fellow beings. Your child needs to know why something is right and how something is wrong. Rather than some rote learning, some schools are efficiently handling the challenge and effectively bridging gaps by exposing children to real life experiences which help them imbibe the right kind of knowledge. 

Age by age and little by little, the teaching will cover all the aspects and your child will grow into an exceptional adult all set to face the challenges of tomorrow and stand as a winner of hearts! 



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