Monday 12 February 2018

Why it is Important to Inculcate Community Habits in Students

The joy of giving or helping someone in need is incomparable. In today's world of rat race and self-centrism, it is improbable for individuals to pause, ponder and help someone in need. Thereby, it is all the more important that such a mind-set is incorporated in our future generations during a young age itself, so that it becomes a natural action or response to them going forward.

This habit of helping others has myriad benefits for the child, he or she not only develops a compassionate attitude but also becomes more aware of the world around them. Many International schools today, have incorporated CAS (Community Action Service) as a critical part of their curriculum.

At Oakridge, under the CAS Umbrella, students have contributed towards Habitat homes in villages of Karjat, Pondicherry, and Araku Valley as part of CAS trips. They have led awareness campaigns for various causes such as "Swachh Bharat", "Save the Girl Child", "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"

Spoorthi is another activity, where children of the drivers and janitors working at the school are invited to the campus and they are taught various subjects like English, Mathematics, and Science by the Oakridgers. With less than adequate facilities in govt schools, there is immense potential to make a meaningful impact in their lives. In line with this, students of Oakridge take extra classes for them and arrange sports day and day outings, which are well appreciated by them.

In addition, Oakridge International School, Vizag have launched the “Save our Beaches” initiative through various awareness campaigns, cleaning drives and conservation projects to make the beaches of Vizag beautiful and conserve the marine life. Lately, students of Oakridge have also undertaken the proactive role of protecting the environment and have initiated a plantation drive across various gated communities in the city.

Students not only participate in the community service activities held at the school but sometimes they also get creative and do extraordinary things to make a difference and help the needy. Here are some of the instances.

One of the students of Oakridge, Tejasvi took matters in her hand and designed ‘Traffic Regulating Signs’ and erected the same in the newly constructed society which not only inspired her society residents to take action but also ended up getting real sign boards everywhere. Similarly, Oakridger Manav Khaitan designed an Instant Cereal Box, named ‘Breakfast’ to help those who forget to have it in hustle. It allows you to enjoy a healthy combination of cornflakes and milk anytime of the day, simply by adding some water and mixing the ingredients together which also received the first prize at ‘The Design Championship 2016’. Oakridger Sneha was truly inspired by her lessons at school to reuse and recycle instead of just throwing the plastic bottles away. She started growing a garden of organic veggies in discarded bottles. She plans to sell the produced vegetables from her garden and donate the money raised to help unprivileged kids

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