Monday 16 April 2018

The Exam pressure: Handle it like a Pro!

Exam pressure is real. Some of the worst nightmares for students today is to cope with exam fever and yet to ace the exam with flying colours. Each student perceives the pressure differently. For some, it is no pressure at all, while for others, it is their biggest phobia. Sweaty palms, racing heart, butterflies in the stomach are part of the pressure. Nothing is worse than having to sit and revise for these students. Dissipating stress is the need of the hour. Once we look at closely, we’ll probably begin to wonder if pressure actually deserves so much attention. 

Take a look at the CBSE schools in Chandigarh that effectively eliminates the pressure drama, by channelizing the energy in to something more productive. 

Setting the way ahead

Much of the students’ tension and fear stems from attributing high weight-age to the word ‘exam’. Whether the boards or a class test, what is important is the focus on the syllabus and not on hyping and repeating the word often to give it the importance. Here are some of the most effective ways to handle the exam pressure. 

A proper schedule: 

At the outset, remember to schedule and plan what you will read, how much and when. Make a proper schedule that will also list when you will take a break. Channelize all your attention to go as per the schedule laid down by you. When you make the schedule, remember to give a weeks’ time only for revision. A strict adherence to the well-planned schedule is a pre-requisite to handling the stress. 

De-stress yourself: 

Do not always think about the exam. It is important you de-stress yourself by listening to some relaxed music or taking a walk. Importantly, keep away from people who stress you out or add to your tension. What you need is some inner peace to concentrate. 

A good sleep: 

Exams don’t mean you compromise on your sleep. Sleep on time and ensure you get up early. This way, your mind becomes fresh and you also become active. A minimum of 6-hour sleep is essential for a healthy body. 

Dedicate a day for diagrams and charts: 

Make sure you have allotted a time for the important diagrams and charts. Practice them. Do not underestimate based on their looks. Meanwhile, it is okay if you oversleep a day. It does not mean you have to write off the day. Be yourself. 


At the end of it, revise. Revision is an absolute must. Get your hands on everything you have to be prepared for the exam. Start two days early and start revising. Write down the formulas for a quick glance at any point in time.

Exams are a part of your life. There is no reason for you to fret. However, avoid thinking about them once you have given the exam. No! You cannot go back in time and change your answers.
At any point in time, if you are over-whelmed, talk to someone. You will be surprised to know you are not alone. Exams are a part, they are not everything of your life. Do not over build the concept in your head. Take the tips seriously and ace the exams this season with absolutely no fear.

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