Monday 28 January 2013

Benefits of learning music for children

Childhood is an exciting, fun and challenging period of life. Every new experience is an opportunity to learn and grow. It is the most critical time for building the physical, mental and emotional foundations that will support us for the rest of our lives. They say that music is the universal language. Regardless of where you are from or what your background, a good melody is something that everyone can enjoy and understand. Learning to play a musical instrument offers a lot of benefits.

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Many studies have been conducted on the effects of music to the brain. Scientists say that children who are exposed to music, or those who play an instrument, do better in school than those who don't. Adults can benefit from learning to play an instrument too because it helps the mind to be alert and remain active eventually helping to sharpen the memory. In addition to improving creativity, learning music cultivates many skills that will continue to be useful to your children throughout their lives.

Early musical training helps develop brain areas involved in language and reasoning. It is thought that brain development continues for many years after birth. There is also a causal link between music and spatial intelligence (the ability to perceive the world accurately and to form mental pictures of things). This kind of intelligence, by which one can visualize various elements that should go together, is critical to the sort of thinking necessary for everything from solving advanced mathematics problems to being able to pack a book-bag with everything that will be needed for the day.

Learning a musical instrument will help your child develop concentration, as they must focus on a particular activity over extended periods of time. Developing concentration in this way also will help them when they must focus their attention on other subjects at school. More and more, music therapy is being used to complement more traditional forms of medicine. Researchers acknowledge that certain types of music can aid relaxation by lowering heart rates and blood pressure. The act of learning and playing an instrument, the encouragement of a teacher and the enthusiasm of a proud parent, will build in a child a sense of pride and confidence. Moreover, children who practice self-expression and creativity often become better communicators later in life. Many best schools in Chandigarh make children practice music on a daily basis. Schools in Chandigarh for example made it as part of their curriculum so that this will help children in their future life.

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