Monday, 5 February 2018


This is a much discussed and debated area. It has its advantages as well as disadvantages. At 46, I still get parented on managing work, balancing life, raising children, diet planning, etc. The best part of being parented is, it gives a sense of security, a feeling of love and affection and the concern for me by my parents. At the same time, being a parent of an 18+ child and parenting the child is a totally different ball game.
Parenting , in its true sense, is teaching, guiding and equipping the child to know how to make wise choices, to be disciplined,to accept responsibility when he/she has not made a wise choice, to be shown how to love and respect self and others, to make friends, and to evolve into a wise young person. 24 years of experience in the field of education and dealing with students and parents of students from pre-primary to secondary, I feel the 8 Ts enumerated below would be extremely helpful in coaching us on dealing with kids of today.
Treat the child as an individual who can think and act independently. It gives him/her a sense of ownership for the task undertaken. It will enhance the morale of the child and build leadership skills.
Trust the child regardless of the outcome. Success and failure are a part of learning. Success always gives a boost to the child’s confidence. At the same time, the fear of failure or coping with failure too plays a major role in sustaining the confidence of the child or send it plummeting down.In that case, a parent’s support or confidence helps to bring him/ her back on track. Read more here

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