Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Ted Talks by Oakridge Alumna Samhita on her Entrepreneurship Journey

If you can't figure out your purpose figure out your passion for your passion leads you directly into your purpose I am Samhita, and I'm an example of this quote and this is my story i Started baking when i was about 13 years old my mother allowed me into coming into kitchen partly because she was scared that i would hurt myself and Partly, I thought because she was scared that I will mess up her kitchen like all mothers but my dad pushed me into learning new things He's a firm believer of the court practice makes a man perfect So he pushed me into learning new things going and trying new things that's how i started baking making my chocolates after a few months we shipped it to a new town because with my dad's transfer It was a pretty small time town, and I am not exactly comfortable in it I try to make some friends, but we didn't have like minds, and I felt like an outsider That's when I started staying at home mode not going to school So I started making a lot and trying and testing new recipes and desserts Since I didn't have anyone to talk to my baking became my best friend and books, too After my 10th grade we shipped it back to Hyderabad. 

I always wanted to become a doctor There are two reasons I've deviated from my path One is because I've seen my brother take by PC and going to medicine and I saw him Study for about six to eight hours every day, and that's not my cup of tea steadying more than half an hour is a lot for me, so i thought  can't do it and The second reason is after I came back to Hyderabad I spent about Half of my summer vacation with my aunt who is an inspiration for me, and she's one of the directors in Amazon So I talked to her a lot And she actually used to ask me these math questions you know these logical questions, and I used to give answer I used to answer her pretty easily and She said I was really good at math Trust me this. 

This is not easy for my eleventh and twelfth classmates to believe, but trust me I was good at math back then So I took her advice of Joining of going into MPC and going into IIT so I came back to Hyderabad and I joined Oakridge International School and that changed my life. I Took math physics and chemistry as my major subjects I was given three choices in choosing my elective physical education psychology and entrepreneurship So I chose entrepreneurship, and you know why I chose entrepreneurship I? Had no idea what the meaning was the names are a pretty fancy to me. You know like a big fancy name So it really intrigued me so I chose it I thought you know my old friends would ask me what I am studying right now, and I'd go like yeah.

I'm doing entrepreneurship So it was pretty nice for me to tell other people that I was doing something Which they didn't even know the meaning of and he did right, but they didn't know that so after a few introductory classes I realized That this subject which I didn't know anything about Was really interesting and I was passionate about it My teacher my love and great teacher Explained the whole concept and the course in such a way that I felt my elective was more important to me than my major subjects personally I barely, got lesser grades in my major subjects than in my Electives, but my teachers didn't bother to you know push me high to study my major subjects more they were rather happy for me for Finding a sir check which I was really interested in and we're pushing me forward and supporting me in all of their ways In my 11th grade before my finals One day I went to my parents just because I was sick of studying for half an hour again I went to my parents birthday, and I asked him for a hike in my pocket money It was obviously enough because like all the parents who would increase the pocket money Just before final exams because that's not what you're supposed to do, but I went and asked them So they said no I went on talking around saying that I would make my own money off of selling my baked goods the cupcakes and all And my dad actually took it seriously We spent me and my dad spent about three to four hours that day sitting and discussing and naming our imaginary company The maxima dad actually came to me and showed me that he registered the imaginary company as a real one chocolate box that was the de chocolate box who is born I Went back to my school and told my classmates and my teachers about it. 

They were really happy for me My teacher sat with me my entrepreneurship teachers. They were giving me inputs and feedbacks about to what can I do for marketing? I? went to my principal that day and told her about my company and we decided to launch it on May 6th of 2016 on the campus in the campus So, but it did not happen because of some reasons but the next year the following year in my 12th grade My school gave me a chance to put up not one but two stalls on the founder step one in the ethnic food center, and the other one in the business center I go to tremendous feedback from all the attendees all the parents and the teachers and Mostly, I got a feedback from our founder Mr. Shomie Das does and that's when I knew, but this is not dead I just can't sit at home baked chocolates and sell it online I had to grow So in my as I told before in Cardinal books and baking became my best friend coming to books I Almost like sitting going out and sitting in a cafe and amad.

I mean you imagine myself doing that having a cup of coffee and reading a nice book I tried it four times actually going to a cafe and doing that but it wasn't a success there was a lot of noise People came into garden. I don't want any order, but they still came So I thought Why can't I combine my both passions? reading the books and my baking So I came up with an idea of a book café Which I later went to my school and talked about it with my teachers my 12th grade entrepreneurship teacher was so excited and happy that I got an idea like this That she sat with me and we discussed about it And she made me do a project a whole business plan about my company because that was what we were studying in that grade So I made a 40 page business project business plan for my book cafe, and I got 3130 for it I Was happy even though I got fairly less create than the other subjects. 

They didn't push me After my 12th came the bigger challenge I had to choose which path I had to go to I have three options one is through my passion I could go into culinary arts or the Baking and all and the second is Through my love for my subject. I could check I could choose business management and the other one is Just continue with my previous subjects of love intent well, then go into engineering I Put MVC aside engineering aside because that's not my cup of tea. I cannot do it. I'm just Not good at math, or I just hate it So I I was a bit fickle minded in between these two subjects in between these two courses So I went to my school counselor and sat with her for a whole day discussing about this She didn't judge me for how fickle minded I was between choosing courses. She sat with me showed me all the colleges and the courses I could take and then we decided that i thought about it for a bit and I remembered what once my dad said practical and theory go hand in hand I Had a bit of practical experience through chocolate box, but Theory Mere knowledge of having entrepreneurship as one subject is not good enough So I thought I have to study more and learn more in the way. I'm going through So I decided to take Bachelor of Business Administration in Bennett University, which I'm doing right now That's my story until now and the future There's always gonna be another mountain I'm always gonna wanna make it move always gonna be an uphill battle sometimes. 

I'm gonna have to lose Ain't about how fast I get there ain't nobody aha It's the time What matters is What's beyond it I don't know what's beyond the mountain What I care about is my journey what I truly care about is the climb. Thank you.

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