Monday, 23 October 2017


Teachers play a huge role in inspiring a lifelong love for learning in children. Here are some of the ways I have seen this happen.
1) Building relationships with parents

If teachers and parents of students constantly work together, the students continuously get the same message. This ensures that there is no ambiguity regarding what is being taught and the student learns to appreciate knowledge, skills and content. At Oakridge, we conduct a variety of curriculum orientations and are constantly guiding parents on how to become more involved in their child’s learning.
2) Enabling Success
Love for learning, more often than not, is accompanied by success in the field. If the child feels that he/she will be able to successfully complete tasks, overcome obstacles and navigate the course of study independently, he/she will want to learn more. Success must be recognised (publicly if possible) so that the taste of success drives the desire for greater success. At Oakridge, we recognize student learning not just in the classroom but at public assemblies, formal ceremonies and through various electronic media as well. For full article click here

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